Vocabulary Knowledge
What is Vocabulary Knowledge?
How do I teach vocabulary?
Explicit Instruction: Explicit instruction involves directly teaching students new words and their meanings. This can include providing definitions, examples, and non-examples of the word, and encouraging students to use the word in context. Explicit instruction can be particularly effective for teaching academic vocabulary and tier-two words.
Context Clues: Teachers can teach students how to use context clues, such as surrounding words, sentence structure, and tone, to infer the meaning of unfamiliar words. This strategy can help students build their vocabulary and develop their comprehension skills.
Word Games: Word games, such as crossword puzzles, word searches, and bingo, can make learning new words more engaging and interactive. These games can also help students practice using new words in context.
Word Walls: Word walls are displays of key vocabulary words that are prominently displayed in the classroom. Word walls can help students see and use new words on a daily basis, and can serve as a visual reminder of important vocabulary.
Word Webs: Word webs are graphic organizers that visually represent the relationships between different words. Teachers can use word webs to help students understand how different words are related and to build their vocabulary knowledge.
Morphemic Analysis: Morphemic analysis involves breaking down words into their component parts, such as prefixes, suffixes, and root words. This strategy can help students decode new words and infer their meanings based on the meaning of the word parts.
Tiered Vocabulary Instruction: Tiered vocabulary instruction involves teaching students words that are essential for understanding a particular text or topic. Tier one words are basic words that are used in everyday conversation, while tier two words are high-frequency words that are used across different subject areas. Tier three words are domain-specific words that are used in a particular subject area. By focusing on tier two and tier three words, teachers can help students build their academic vocabulary and deepen their understanding of specific topics.