The Science of Reading

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What is the Science of Reading?  To put it bluntly, the Science of Reading is a return to phonics instruction with other, research-based best practice thrown in.  This approach to literacy education is informed by linguistics, psychology, education (pedagogy), & neuroscience and emphasizes mastery over exposure.   The major point is that reading isn't "natural."  It is a skill that must be carefully, deliberately, and explicitly taught to children starting with the most basic understanding of letter sounds.

The Reading Rope

The Reading Rope metaphor demonstrates the various skills that go into reading comprehension.  Click on the links for deeper learning & teaching resources:

The Simple View of Reading

D * LC = RC

Decoding * Linguistic Comprehension = Reading Comprehension

Reading comprehension is the product of decoding and linguistic comprehension.  If either decoding or linguistic comprehension is weak, the effect is multiplied.